Before beginning the rebuild process, please check the Resources Page and the Forms and Handouts Page to determine if you qualify for aid and apply for Federal, State, and LA County aid that may be available to you.
Steps to Rebuilding Together
Then obtain your Property Records using the following resources:
For appointments, contact:
- (310) 456-2489, ext. 390
There are several options to schedule an appointment:
- Schedule an in-person appointment
- Schedule a virtual appointment
- Walks-ins welcome at the Rebuild Center (23805 Stuart Ranch Road, Suite 240)
- Administrative Review (Planning Verification)
Like-for-Like +10%:
- Administrative Review (Administrative Planning Review, Planning Verification Pending)
Over 10% Expansion:
- Coastal Development Permit
- Planning Commission
For more information on the rebuilding options, visit the Rebuilding Options webpage.
Find a design professional who can help you prepare and rebuild. We encourage you to utilize the California Architects Board’s ‘Consumer Guide to Hiring an Architect‘, which contains valuable information on contracts, natural disaster provisions and more. You can also verify that your architect is licensed using the License Search tool. Also, you may contact the Malibu Pacific Palisades Chamber of Commerce for a list of building professionals.
Evaluate that your chosen rebuild option can be accommodated on your site, considering factors such as topography, zoning regulations, building codes, and site-specific requirements. Work with your building design professionals, or make an appointment for site verification with an individual or multiple departments/ specialists (Fire, geology, coastal engineering, public works, biology, environmental health) during the initial rebuild phase.
Primary View Determination – As part of a rebuild design, property owners are required to consider building in an established Primary View Determination. In order to assist property owners with their rebuild design, the City has added all Primary View Determinations to the City’s GIS. User Tip: Under the Layers List, select the Primary View Determination checkbox and zoom in.
For more information regarding Primary View Determinations, visit View Preservation and View Restoration | Malibu, CA – Official Website
To access specific Primary View Determinations, please go to OnBase – Planning records.
Submit architectural plans through the Planning Department, which will review your plan submittal for conformance with the City’s codes and the City’s Local Coastal Program. At the end of this step, you will be issued a planning entitlement which clears you to move forward to submit for a building permit.
The California State Department of Consumer Affairs maintains an online tool to Check a Contractor License. The State Contractor’s License Board offers free advice to selecting at hiring a contractor on their website.
This residential Construction Type V Sheet is to make quick processing of your application, useful in avoiding code compliance problems during construction, and efficient in keeping you, your family, and/or client safe and healthy during construction. Residents interested in more complex rebuild options can find additional Building Safety forms and information.
Request your inspection with the convenient online scheduling system and receive a confirmation number via email. Inspectors must be allowed access to the property between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
Planning and Biology inspections: Contact your assigned Case Planner, email or call (310) 456-2489, ext. 485.
After inspections are complete, you will be issued a Certificate of Occupancy and be permitted to move-in to your home.
Fire Rebuild Policy for OWTS Operating Permits
If a property has been impacted and rebuilt as a result of the Palisades and Franklin Fire, the OWTS Operating Permit must be obtained within 60 days after the owner receives a Certificate of Occupancy.
If there is an active OWTS Operating Permit issued prior to the Palisades and Franklin Fire, the City will issue a new permit after the owner receives a Certificate of Occupancy contingent upon the following:
- The former permit expiration date is within one year of the Certificate of Occupancy issuance date
- Installation of a new advanced onsite wastewater treatment system
- Replacement of a septic tank or seepage pit