Two Property Owners Receive Planning Verifications

The City is pleased to announce that the first two rebuild projects received their planning verifications. Both property owners opted for the fastest, most efficient path: the “like-for-like” rebuild. Seven additional projects are pending.

The City of Malibu remains committed to advancing rebuild efforts. Since opening on March 10, the Malibu Rebuild Center has assisted 135 property owners with their rebuild projects. The Rebuild Center is located at 23805 Stuart Ranch Road, Suite 240 and is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM.

South Coast Air Quality Management District Reporting Safe Levels in Palisades Fire Burn Area

South Coast Air Quality Management District (AQMD) continues to monitor air quality in the Palisades and Eaton Fire areas. Testing results from March 14 show no asbestos and no immediate health risks from air toxic metals. Dust and smoke particle levels are also within safe limits. For more details, and air quality safety tips while at burned properties, visit the South Coast AQMD data dashboard.

South Coast AQMD Data Dashboard


Phase 2 Debris Removal – Status Update

The US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) continues to expand Phase 2 debris removal on other Malibu properties.

USACE is onsite at Malibu City Hall (23825 Stuart Ranch Rd) to assist property owners with fire debris removal questions Monday through Friday, 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM through March 31. They are also available to help by email

Contact Information: 

  • LA County Public Works Fire Debris Hotline: 844-347-3332
    US Army Corps of Engineers Debris Call Center: 213-308-8305

View Interactive Map

LA County Team at City Hall to Assist with Right-of-Entry Forms by March 31 Deadline

Tetra Tech specialists with LA County will be at Malibu City Hall until Monday, March 31, Monday – Friday from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM to help property owners complete their Debris Removal Right-of-Entry (ROE) Forms by the March 31 deadline.

They can help answer ROE questions, provide status updates on ROEs, collect and review required documents, or complete the opt-out form. The LA County team can also be reached by phone at 323-673-5547.

Opt-In/Opt-Out Forms & Information


MARCH 20 – City of Malibu & Southern California Edison Town Hall: Powerline Undergrounding Project – Nicholas Circuit

from 5:00 – 7:00 PM at Malibu City Hall

Join Southern California Edison and the City of Malibu for a town hall to discuss efforts to restore electric service to the neighborhoods impacted by the Palisades Fire. Subject matter experts will be on hand to provide information on plans to rebuild electric infrastructure and discuss what residents need to do to restore power to their homes or businesses.

The goal of the Powerline Undergrounding Project in the burn area is to reduce wildfire threats and make the electrical system more reliable during extreme weather conditions. Receive updates on the restoration efforts, land acquisition, applying for electrical service restoration, Public Safety Power Shutoffs (PSPS) and City/County permitting processes.

MARCH 25 – Community Meeting: Big Rock/Calle Del Barco/Assessment Districts

at 4:00 PM at Malibu City Hall and via Zoom

The City is hosting a Community Meeting Series to provide guidance on technical requirements and permitting for specific neighborhoods at City Hall and remotely via Zoom.



Residents may be eligible for FEMA assistance to cover large, uninsured expenses caused by the Palisades Fire and may receive up to $43,600 per applicant. The coverage includes:

  • Structural Home Repairs – Windows, doors, walls, HVAC, utilities and more.
  • Wells, Furnaces & Septic Systems – Repairs, replacements, and professional assessments.
  • Privately-Owned Roads, Bridges & Docks – If damage impacts your home access.
  • Vehicles & Transportation – Repair or replacement if no other vehicle is available.

You can apply online or through the FEMA App. You can also call 800-621-3362 or visit a Disaster Recovery Center.

Apply Now


Community Meeting Series

To ensure residents have the resources they need to rebuild, the City is hosting a Community Meeting Series to provide guidance on technical requirements and permitting for specific neighborhoods at City Hall and remotely via Zoom:

  • Big Rock/Calle Del Barco/Assessment Districts: Tuesday, March 25 at 4:00 PM
  • Rambla Pacifico/ Las Flores Canyon/ Mesa, Pena Road neighborhood, 20717–20759 PCH, La Costa: Tuesday, April 1 at 4:00 PM
  • Carbon Canyon, Carbon Mesa, Carbon Beach Terrace: Tuesday, April 8 at 4:00 PM
  • Beachfront Homes: Tuesday, April 15 at 4:00 PM
  • Franklin/Broad Fire Code Amendments and Rebuild Steps: Tuesday, April 22 at 4:00 PM

Click here for Zoom meeting links.


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