Palisades Fire Debris Removal

February 26 Malibu Debris Removal Town Hall

A County representative (Tetra Tech) will be at Malibu City Hall until March 31, Monday through Friday between 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM to provide on-site assistance with Debris Removal Right of Entry Form (ROE) questions, status of ROE’s, collection of supporting ROE required documents and review of documents. In addition, this person will be able to assist with the opt out process. Remember the deadline to submit a Debris Removal Right of Entry Form is March 31. 

Ash, debris and fire damage on homes that have been destroyed may contain hazardous materials that can threaten public health. The LA County Health Office issued a Local Health Emergency Order, prohibiting the cleanup or removal of fire debris until a hazardous materials inspection is completed by an approved government agency.

The City prohibits the delivery of debris bins in the affected areas without the approval from the City, removal of smoke-damaged personal items, and removal of vegetative landscape debris from the fire. Debris containing asbestos is hazardous to public health and should only be removed by qualified professionals.

Debris removal is a two-phase process:

Phase 1: Household Hazardous Waste Removal

On February 26, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) completed the Phase 1 removal and disposal of household hazardous materials from properties in Malibu impacted by the fires. More than 1,700 staff cleared hazardous materials from properties in Palisades and Eaton fire footprints, including over 1,000 lithium-ion batteries, asbestos, household and automotive batteries, compressed gas cylinders, household chemicals, electronics, fuels and oils, and medical waste.

Some properties were deferred during Phase 1 due to unsafe conditions. These will be addressed in Phase 2 by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). Property owners with deferred parcels must still submit Right of Entry (ROE) forms to allow cleanup to proceed.

The community may see continued activity at Topanga State Beach and Will Rogers State Beach Phase 1 Transfer Sites, as EPA is processing lithium-ion batteries collected during Phase 2 Debris Removal. EPA will conduct post-operations soil sampling at each staging area to ensure that there was no impact.

For more information, visit the EPA’s 2025 Southern California Wildfire Response website. For questions, Call the EPA Hotline at 1-833-798-7372 or email

To view FAQs related to Phase 1, visit LA County’s website.

Phase 2: Fire Debris Removal

Owners of destroyed structures have the opportunity to participate in a government-sponsored program to have their properties cleared of fire debris by the Army Corps of Engineers. Property owners who elect to opt-out of the government-sponsored program will be required to obtain County approval before removing any fire debris.

  • Opt in Deadline: March 31, 2025
  • Opt out Deadline: March 31, 2025

Contact the Army Corps of Engineers Hotline at (213) 308-8305 with any questions or view their interactive map.

To view FAQs related to Phase 2, visit LA County’s website.

Visit the LA County Right-of-Entry (ROE) Forms page and submit the ‘Opt-In’ form.

By opting in, you authorize the government to perform the following activities on your property:

  • Property Assessment: Identify site hazards, hazardous trees, environmental resources and asbestos-containing materials.
  • Asbestos Removal: Safely remove asbestos-containing materials if required.
  • Tree Removal: Remove fire or wind-damaged trees assessed as hazardous and other trees that impact public areas or debris removal access.
  • Ash and Soil Removal: Remove surface ash, including up to 6 inches of incidental soil.
  • Burned Debris Removal: Remove burned home remains, furniture, personal belongings, appliances and patio furniture.
  • Structural Demolition: Demolish clearly destroyed structures.
  • Vehicle Removal: Remove damaged and destroyed vehicles, vessels and other titled property.
  • Erosion Control: Install erosion control measures such as straw wattles, compost socks and hydromulch.
  • Environmental Monitoring: Conduct tribal, archaeological and biological monitoring for environmental and historical preservation.

Potential Foundation Removal:

  • Your Choice: When you opt into the debris removal program, you will need to decide whether you want the government to remove your property’s foundation or leave it in place.
  • Property Assessment: A site visit will be conducted to evaluate your foundation and discuss the best option for your property with you before any debris removal begins.
  1. Visit the LA County Right-of-Entry (ROE) Forms page and submit the ‘Opt-Out’ form
  2. Apply for a Fire Debris Removal Permit from LA County in EPIC-LA to handle debris removal on your own after you receive EPA certification of Phase 1 completion for your property.
    • The County will review your application and your contractor’s work plan to ensure compliance with safety and environmental standards.
    • You will be required to meet all the same requirements as the US Army Corp.
  3. Obtain a City permit. The City of Malibu will automatically issue a permit once the County issues the Fire Debris Removal Permit.
    • The applicant will schedule a pre-construction site visit with a City inspector to ensure the safety of residents and to safeguard properties prior to starting debris removal.
    • The applicant must obtain a Caltrans Encroachment Permit for all work performed within the Pacific Coast Highway right-of-way. Apply online through the Caltrans Encroachment Permit System (CEPS).
  4. Upload your post-debris removal documentation to EPIC-LA:
    • Weight tickets or Disposal Documents from a certified landfill
    • Hazardous Waste Manifest(s) (if applicable)
    • Site photos of the completed site
    • Photos must be taken of the frontage (from the street towards the property).
    • Provide photos of the building footprint, foundations (as applicable), property lines, any remaining structures.
    • If foundations remain in place, an approval from the City Building Official will be required prior to reusing the foundation as part of the building permit process for new structures.
  5. Once the County has reviewed debris removal documentation, the City inspector will verify debris cleanup and that erosion control is in place prior to sign off.
  6. Once all steps are complete, you must obtain final sign off from the County. Final Debris Removal Permit Closure will be provided.

Once the debris removal process is complete, the rebuilding process can begin. See the Rebuilding Steps page for information on how you can start applying for permits and submitting required documents.